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A committed and pioneering farm

Ever since 1967, the Ferme de la Tremblaye has offered cheeses farm made from cow milk and goat milk. It’s autonomous, sustainable and healthy ecosystem has, as early as 2008, motivated the adoption of the agroecology model, inspired by the nearby Rambouillet forest!  ​


The Ferme de la Tremblaye now fully masters the different stages of farm made cheese production, from growing organically fodder to ripening, all the way through breeding and cheese making from farm milk. It also respects the protection and maintenance of the soil and the forest, and produces its own power while recycling the farm’s waste with a methanisor.

Adoption of Organic farming in 2016 has been followed by an Organic Certification in  2020, all in line with the Ferme de la Tremblaye’s long term commitment towards animal wellbeing, farmers and the environment ! The Ferme is now, as of 2020, a B-Corp.


The Ferme de la Tremblaye is an Certified Organic farm, on an agroecological model, inspired by the nearby forest and its ecosystem. It produces premium farm made cheeses from cow milk and goat milk, evermore respectful of people, animals and the environment!



 Outstanding farm made products

The Ferme de la Tremblaye cheesemakers have developed two different types of cheese from the milk of or cows and goats : Soft Ripened cheeses with bloomy rinds (brie, camembert) and Blue cheeses, some of which are made with raw milk, under the “Fromage Fermier” label.

This label attests that the Ferme de la Tremblaye fills 3 conditions : exclusive use of milk from the farm, onsite production, transformation and ripening, a transformation  respecting the traditional methods.


The Ferme de la Tremblaye’s cheesemakers guaranty that all the milk used was milked the same day, for an optimum organoleptic nutritional quality !


We all, at the Ferme de la Tremblaye, believe that offering the best in farm made cheeses means mastering the entire production process and adopting the agroecology model.


Between modernity and ancestral know-how

As well as with our breeding and farming activity, our cheese making blends technicity, modernity and ancestral know-how. It is ISO 14 001 (environmental security) and ISO 22 000 (food safety) certified. However, many of the various cheese making stages are still performed manually by our cheesemakers, whose expertise comes with their tactile relationship with the products. Renneting, cutting, stirring, molding, turning and even packaging … still follow ancestral motions that has scarcely changed over the centuries !

Our cheeses are made from the whole milk of our animals, milked the same morning or the evening before. No skimming, no standardization, no addition of cream.   The only additions are lactic ferments, yeast, natural rennet from the last French supplier, and a pinch of salt.

Our passionate Cheesemasters take care of the maturing of our production, the ultimate guarantors of our outstanding farm made cheeses, before they arrive on your plate !



The Shop : La Ferme de la Tremblaye

Opening days: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday

Hours: 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 5:45 p.m.

Come and find : our cheeses, our yogurts but also local and quality products with the same values ​​as ours !

La Ferme de la Tremblaye

Chemin de la Tremblaye - 78125 La Boissière-Ecole

Phone. : +33 1 34 85 03 63

Fax: +33 1 34 85 06 29

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